Showing 1–12 of 16 results

Warcaster Aenigma Warcaster on Sale

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $5.00.
Warcaster Aenigma Warcaster AENIGMA WARCASTER INFORMATION Aenigma is a notorious arcanist, weaver, and Scythe pilot known to prey on the

Warcaster Grafter Online

Original price was: $13.39.Current price is: $6.70.
Warcaster Grafter GRAFTER INFORMATION A rank above the Vassals, the multi-limbed Grafters are the meat mechaniks of the Aeternus Continuum.

Warcaster Hierotheos Raxis Online now

Original price was: $13.40.Current price is: $6.70.
Warcaster Hierotheos Raxis HIEROTHEOS RAXIS INFORMATION The discorporeal dead of the Consilio Mortuorum are generally considered to be the ascended

Warcaster Immortal Weaver Online

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $5.00.
Warcaster Immortal Weaver IMMORTAL WEAVER INFORMATION Full initiates of the Aeternus Continuum, the Immortal Weavers act as an extension of

Warcaster Marauder Online Sale

Original price was: $13.39.Current price is: $6.70.
Warcaster Marauder MARAUDER INFORMATION Endowed with extreme mechanikal reconfigurations, the Marauders are living weapons in the service of the Aeternus

Warcaster Nemesis A on Sale

Original price was: $26.55.Current price is: $13.28.
Warcaster Nemesis A NEMESIS A INFORMATION Flying over the battlefield like bloated, black-steel insects bristling with malefic firepower, the Aeternus

Warcaster Nemesis A Weapon Pack Online now

Original price was: $8.10.Current price is: $4.05.
Warcaster Nemesis A Weapon Pack NEMESIS A WEAPON PACK INFORMATION Increase your warjack load out customization options with this weapon

Warcaster Raker Discount

Original price was: $13.39.Current price is: $6.70.
Warcaster Raker RAKER INFORMATION A massive robotic guardian beast created by the Aeternus Continuum to defend its temples, the Rakers

Warcaster Scourge A Online now

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $9.99.
Warcaster Scourge A SCOURGE A INFORMATION A misshapen horror of steel and malice, the Scourge is a brutally effective melee-focused

Warcaster Scourge A Weapon Pack Fashion

Original price was: $6.59.Current price is: $3.29.
Warcaster Scourge A Weapon Pack SCOURGE A WEAPON PACK INFORMATION Increase your warjack load out customization options with this weapon

Warcaster Scourge B Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $9.99.
Warcaster Scourge B SCOURGE B INFORMATION A misshapen horror of steel and malice, the Scourge is a brutally effective melee-focused

Warcaster Scourge B Weapon Pack Online Sale

Original price was: $6.59.Current price is: $3.29.
Warcaster Scourge B Weapon Pack SCOURGE B WEAPON PACK INFORMATION Increase your warjack load out customization options with this weapon